Dr. Priti Srivastava – Founder Ojas Academy Special School ,Trustee Aapa Foundation & Sr.Psychologist at Genesis Neurogen. She completed her PG in Clinical Psychology, PhD in Mental Health, and Hypnotherapist. She is one of the Best Psychologists in East Delhi. She has 20 years of hands-on experience, Currently working as the founder and Principal of a mid-size integrated Special school for children with special needs, learning/mental disorders, and other psychological disabilities. In addition, also attached as a Visiting Psychologist / Counselor with hospitals and health centers for IQ assessments, counseling, and psychological testing and on the panel of corporate houses as a consultant psychologist for pre-employment and pre-elevation psychosomatic assessments
OJAS Academy is managed by a Govt. registered charitable trust/NGO duly approved under section 80G of Income Tax Act. It is identified as a one-stop Center of Excellence in East Delhi-NCR for Children with Special Needs and Other Associated Mental Health Challenges. It not only provides them comprehensive care and distinctive support for their rehab, relief, education, training, and development but also instills a sense of hope, confidence, and independence in them so that they can be integrated with the social mainstream and groomed in tune with the rapidly changing society & advancement to lead a life with self-esteem & dignity.
Besides being located at safe & cozy premises in the heart of the prominent & convenient locality of Ramprastha (GZB) on the Delhi-Ghaziabad border, adjoining East Delhi’s Anand Vihar, OJAS offers high-end amenities and is managed under the overall leadership, guidance & expertise of a veteran Clinical Psychologist and Metal Health Professional Dr. Priti Srivastava, who – besides possessing a rich experience of nearly 20 years in the field of Special Education, Rehabilitation, Training, Projects & Consultancy for children with Special Needs, Learning Disorders & Intellect Disabilities, is a visiting Consultant Psychologist to hospitals & clinics and also happens to be on the expert panel of many reputed NGOs & institutions. Her professional advice and views are widely carried in many national newspapers, magazines, and TV channels.
In addition to a large group of social workers and volunteers, the team at OJAS comprises extremely energetic & committed professionals with mental health, disability & various other causes for special children like Special Educators, Occupational Therapist, Speech Pathologist, Audiologists, Rehabilitation Specialists, Consultant Doctors, Clinical Psychologists, Counsellors etc., who – while dealing with the adversities and challenges related to Intellectual disabilities of each individual case, always follow OJAS’s prime moto WWW i.e. Welfare With Wellness for its children and believe in spreading hopes, enhancing commitments and boosting enthusiasm.
OJAS’s commitment to serving these special children is just not limited to internal multi-developmental activities for them through rigorous Therapies, Testing, Training, Remedials, etc., but also to spread due external awareness in the public by suitably educating the parents, academic institutions & other concerned sections of the Society about the role & significance of its activities, more so because – besides other curative & healing measures, it is equally important to identify & accept at the earliest the learning difficulties or problems faced by these special Children