Kadambari Rao Batra, Author – Start-ups & Disruption – Emerging Author of the Year – 2023, Bangalore



The only thing constant in our lives is change; and clichéd though this statement may be, it is also absolutely true. Yet many times, it is also the thing that we resist the most. Disruption is not an easy concept to make peace with, especially when we have been used to doing something in a particular way or conditioned to a particular idea for a very long time. Either way, Disruptive Paradigms change society; and equally, changes in society bring about Disruptive Paradigms.

“In recent times, the Coronavirus Pandemic has become the most important disruptive influence, forcing one to re-evaluate the things that were most important to them and the ones we took for granted. This idea then extended to an examination of human psychology and other influences on the evolution of positive disruption within society, whether that was Women in Leadership Roles or the rise of completely new, technology-led, resource-efficient industries, finally culminating in a book”, said Ms Batra.

Her book, ‘Startups & Disruptions: Paradigms Built on People, Business, and Technology’, published by Sage Publications, India, explores Disruptive Paradigm shifts, primarily led by start-ups, that have revolutionized the way we have thought about or done things in the last decade. Drawing on practical examples from the author’s professional experience, industry case studies, and biographies of celebrated disruptors, it examines:

  •  The concept of Disruption and the different kinds of disruptive business models coming up across industries today
  •  The influences that create a Disruptive Mindset and
  • The role played by Technology in Curating Disruptive Paradigms

Aimed at readers who are looking to understand how successful start-ups come to be – driven by Disruptors and Technology, the book is written against a backdrop of extremely topical issues like the Pandemic, Climate change, women in leadership, and inclusion, and how they have influenced today’s technology-based new-age start-ups. By examining concepts such as the Loci of Identity, perception, Control, morality, and Consumerism, alongside concepts of Leadership, Sales, and Strategy, it builds on concepts from both Psychology and Business management and applies them to the analysis of different Technology-based Disruptive Start-up Models, thus making it particularly relevant to students of business management, young entrepreneurs, and business leaders, especially women, looking to ride the start-up wave or manage entrepreneurial teams.

Most importantly, this book will give budding entrepreneurs, pioneers, innovators, and corporate citizens looking to make changes in traditional industries, A Framework for Disruptive Action – An Approach to Identifying and Evaluating a Disruptive Idea and Bringing It to Fruition.

As Ms Batra summarized – “As a First-Generation Woman Business Leader in the UK, of Indian Origin, and working in the Insuretech sector, I have gained a unique perspective on how Technology is changing the face of traditional businesses and the increasingly important role that women are playing in this journey. My book is the sum total of my entrepreneurial and work experience, covering disruptive paradigms across all dimensions of the corporate sector people-related (leadership, management, inclusivity, diversity, and women’s empowerment), Technology-related (innovations, innovation, and start-up models), and Business-related (Entrepreneurship, organization behaviour).”

Ms Kadambari Rao Batra is a London-based senior management professional with 20+ years of experience in managing the revenue generation function of firms such as KPMG, Hewlett Packard (HP), and DXC Technologies, across the UK, Europe, and India, as well as mentoring start-ups. Ms Batra holds a Masters’s Degree from the Delhi School of Economics and an MBA from the Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad. Her book, Startups and Disruption – Paradigms Built on People, Business, and Technology, is available to buy on Amazon and at a Crossword Bookstore near you.

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